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ID DOID:0050195
Name Bolivian hemorrhagic fever
Definition A viral infectious disease that is a hemorrhagic fever, has_material_basis_in Mammarenavirus machupoense, which is transmitted_by vesper mouse, Calomys callosus. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom headache, has_symptom fatigue, has_symptom myalgia, has_symptom arthralgia, has_symptom bleeding from the oral and nasal mucosa, and has_symptom bleeding from the bronchopulmonary, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts.



Parent Relationships

is_a viral infectious disease

Subclass Logical Relationships

has material basis in some Mammarenavirus machupoense

has symptom some bleeding

has symptom some bronchopulmonary bleeding

has symptom some joint pain

transmitted by some Calomys callosus

has symptom some headache

has symptom some gastrointestinal bleeding

has symptom some fever

has symptom some fatigue

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