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ID DOID:0050488
Name early congenital syphilis
Definition A congenital syphilis that is manifested during the first 3 months of life. The infection has_symptom skin lesions, has_symptom lymphadenopathy, has_symptom hepatosplenomegaly, has_symptom failure to thrive, has_symptom blood-stained nasal discharge, has_symptom perioral fissures, has_symptom meningitis, has_symptom choroiditis, has_symptom hydrocephalus, has_symptom seizures, has_symptom intellectual disability, has_symptom osteochondritis, and has_symptom pseudoparalysis.



Parent Relationships

is_a congenital syphilis

Subclass Logical Relationships

has symptom some lymphadenopathy

has symptom some enlargement of lymph nodes

has symptom some meningitis

has symptom some failure to thrive

has symptom some seizure

has symptom some hepatosplenomegaly

disease has feature some intellectual disability

disease has basis in some Abnormality of prenatal development or birth

disease has feature some choroiditis

transmitted by some placental transmission

has symptom some hydrocephalus

has symptom some skin lesion

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