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ID TRANS:0000011
Name vehicle-borne fomite transmission
Definition Vehicle-borne fomite transmission is an indirect vehicle-borne transmission process during which the pathogen is indirectly transferred from a reservoir, source or host to another host by inanimate objects including: medical instruments, cloth, fur, metal or plastic utensils.
Parent Relationships

is_a vehicle-borne transmission

Related Diseases


  • mumps
  • hand, foot and mouth disease
  • respiratory syncytial virus infectious disease
  • bejel
  • pharyngoconjunctival fever
  • lymphogranuloma venereum
  • hepatitis B
  • Newcastle disease
  • mpox
  • vaccinia
  • Ebola hemorrhagic fever
  • human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  • milker's nodule
  • smallpox
  • contagious pustular dermatitis
  • molluscum contagiosum
  • transmitted by

  • Trichomonas tenax trichomoniasis
  • cepacia syndrome
  • acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
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