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The Disease Ontology API

The Disease Ontology API provides a powerful RESTful interface typically used programmatically to interact with disease-related data. This web interface, powered by SmartBear's SwaggerUI, allows you to explore and understand the API's functionality without writing code. Our API specification is OpenAPI 3.1 compliant, ensuring a modern and standardized approach to interacting with the data. Through this platform, you can easily perform operations such as retrieving specific disease terms, conducting searches similar to the site's advanced search page, and utilizing faceted search to filter results by different categories. Additionally, a range of other operations are available, giving you full access to the rich dataset of the Disease Ontology for your exploration and learning.
Our API can be invoked programmatically by pointing your client to https://api.disease-ontology.org/v1 and requesting an endpoint as defined below.

The SwaggerUI license can be found here. Swagger-ui Copyright SmartBear Software Inc.
