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Subsets of the Human Disease Ontology (Slims)
The DO project produces subsets of the ontology for specific use cases with each release. The subset files are found in the DO GitHub repository's src/ontology/subsets directory. Subsets are created for specific use cases (e.g. AGR, FlyBase) or to facilate querying the DO (e.g. NCIthesaurus cancer terms, rare disease).
DO Subset | Use Cases | Terms |
DO_AGR_slim | Alliance of Genome Resources | 28 |
DO_CFDE_slim | NIH Common Fund Data Ecosystem | 44 |
DO_IEDB_slim | Immune Epitope Database | 154 |
DO_GXD_slim | Gene eXpression Database | 26 |
DO_MGI_slim | MGI-HMDC | 32 |
DO_cancer_slim | CIViC, HIVE: BioMuta & BioXpress | 681 |
DO_FlyBase_slim | FlyBase | 185 |
DO_RAD_slim | RadoNorm | 81 |
DO_rare_slim | 3,199 | |
DO_infectious_disease_slim | 526 | |
gram-negative_bacterial_infectious_disease | 305 | |
gram-positive_bacterial_infectious_disease | 173 | |
NCIthesaurus | 4,572 | |
sexually_transmitted_infectious_disease | 82 | |
tick-borne_infectious_disease | 44 | |
TopNodes_DOcancerslim | 58 | |
zoonotic_infectious_disease | 183 |