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Pathogen Transmission Ontology
The Pathogen Transmission Ontology (TRANS) describes the tranmission methods of human disease pathogens describing how a pathogen is transmitted from one host, reservoir, or source to another host. The pathogen transmission may occur either directly or indirectly and may involve animate vectors or inanimate vehicles. TRANS is available under CC0 license.
Schriml, L. M., Arze, C., Nadendla, S., Ganapathy, A., Felix, V., Mahurkar, A., Phillippy, K., Gussman, A., Angiuoli, S., Ghedin, E., White, O., & Hall, N. (2010). GeMInA, Genomic Metadata for Infectious Agents, a geospatial surveillance pathogen database. Nucleic acids research, 38, D754–D764. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp832; PMID:19850722; PDF.
Total Terms: 32
With Definitions: 32