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Archived News

DO joins the University of Maryland, Baltimore data catalog

Posted on 2020-06-19
DO has joined the University of Maryland, Baltimore data catalog

DO's New Website Launched !!

Posted on 2019-09-06
Check out the new tutorial, resources, YouTube video, and more on the DO's new website, including the DO's OBO tree and a new DO OWL tree for querying DO disease information.

DO website update - March 7, 2019

Posted on 2019-03-07
The DO website has been updated to include the latest Disease Ontology data. Checkout cross-reference links to rare diseases in GARD and Orphanet.

DO website update - Feb 22, 2019

Posted on 2019-02-22
The DO website has been updated to include the latest Disease Ontology data. Checkout the addition of 285 definitions, 109 new DO terms and 41,172 cross-references. Please note: this build includes inferred and asserted DO parent terms. The DO build will be updated next week, to show only the asserted DO parents on this site.

NAR 2019 Database DO paper published

Posted on 2018-11-08
DO's NAR 2019 Database paper is available online !! Human Disease Ontology 2018 update: classification, content and workflow expansion (NAR link) Co-authors: Lynn M. Schriml, Elvira Mitraka, James Munro, Becky Tauber, Michael Schor, Lance Nickle, Victor Felix, Linda Jeng, Cynthia Bearer, Richard Lichenstein, Katharine Bisordi, Nicole Campion, Brooke Hyman, David Kurland, Connor Patrick Oates, Siobhan Kibbey, Poorna Sreekumar, Chris Le, Michelle Giglio and Carol Greene

Updated DO release & website content

Posted on 2018-10-12
Checkout the latest changes in the Disease Ontology !! October 12, 2019 update.

DO Website content updated

Posted on 2018-09-13
DO's September 2018 GitHub release has been updated in the DO website.

DO September Data Release

Posted on 2018-09-10
Check out our latest GitHub release, hundreds of new definitions, DO terms and xrefs.

DO data releases

Posted on 2018-07-03
Check out DO's latest data releases in our GitHub repository. In the last month we have added over 600 definitions, created logical definitions linking disease and anatomy terms for DO's nervous system, respiratory system and the thoracic disease branches.

DO Disease Models and Mechanisms paper published

Posted on 2018-02-28
Check out our latest paper !! Augmenting the disease ontology improves and unifies disease annotations across species. Susan M. Bello, Mary Shimoyama, Elvira Mitraka, Stanley J. F. Laulederkind, Cynthia L. Smith, Janan T. Eppig, Lynn M. Schriml. Disease Models and Mechanisms 2018 : dmm.032839 doi: 10.1242/dmm.032839 Published 27 February 2018 Disease Models and Mechanisms Article PDF

DO November release

Posted on 2017-12-01
The DO's November data release includes updates to disease terms, definitions and cross references to other OBO Foundry ontologies.

DO Receives new funding

Posted on 2017-09-29
The Disease Ontology project has been awarded a 5-year U41 grant as a Genomic Resource from NHGRI.

DO September Release

Posted on 2017-09-29
DO's September 2017 release includes AGR slim (subset), susceptibility terms and new terms for ZFIN and MGI.

DO data release

Posted on 2017-08-15
See the latest changes to the DO in our August data release, now available in the DO browser.

DO license updated to CC0

Posted on 2017-04-05
Disease Ontology CC0 licensing update announcement: To encourage broad and open usage of the DO's content (data), for example in projects such as Wikidata and CIViC, as of April 5, 2017, the DO data and content licensing will be updated to CC0. While we will continue to encourage users of the DO to cite our publications (available on our DO website:, broader licensing will encourage greater usage of this biomedical ontology. Additionally, on the practical side, we recognize that we are not able to enforce CCBY licensing. The DO has been created and shared for it to be used, thus open content licensing is appropriate for this project. The DO's updated CC0 license will apply to all of our data and content. Notices regarding licensing of art, branding materials, etc. are unchanged.

Database Update

Posted on 2017-02-03
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 02-03-2017.

Database Update

Posted on 2016-12-08
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 12-08-2016.

DO database updated Sept 1st

Posted on 2016-10-03
DO's monthly release.

DO UMLS update deployed August 1st, 2016

Posted on 2016-08-30
The DO has incorporated the latest UMLS update. This DO release was made public 8/1/16, as part of our monthly website release cycle.

Database Updated

Posted on 2016-01-06
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 01-06-2016.

Production has moved to GitHub

Posted on 2015-11-25
Production of the Disease Ontology has moved to GitHub. The new official DO file can be found here: Human Disease Ontology. For any new term requests or issues please use the our new Issue Tracker.

Direct link to term

Posted on 2015-11-19
Due to popular demand the direct term link has a new format: This allows for term information to be displayed directly in the content panel, not in a separate page, while also expanding the ontology tree to show the specific term.

Database Updated

Posted on 2015-11-19
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 11-19-2015.

Database Updated

Posted on 2015-10-16
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 10-16-2015.

Database Update - Cross-reference Update

Posted on 2015-09-03
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2015-09-03. Big cross-reference update: all UMLS, NCI, MeSH and ICD9-CM codes have been updated. SNOMEDCT codes have been updated to the 2015_03_01 version. ICD10-CM codes have been added.

DO Mammalian Genome Paper published

Posted on 2015-06-22
The Disease Ontology: fostering interoperability between biological and clinical human disease-related data. Schriml LM, Mitraka E. Mamm Genome. 2015 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print] DOI 10.1007/s00335-015-9576-9 PDF PMID: 26093607

Database Updated

Posted on 2015-06-19
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2015-06-19.

Database Updated - DO_cancer_slim published

Posted on 2015-04-18
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2015-04-18. DO now includes two cancer slim files: DO_cancer_slim and TopNodes_DOcancerslim, published in Database. You can view it here. Citation: Wu, T.-J., Schriml, L.M., Chen, Q.-R., Colbert, M., Crichton, D. J., Finney, R., Hu, Y., Kibbe, W. A., Kincaid, H., Meerzaman, D., Mitraka, E., Pan, Y., Smith, K. M., Srivastava, S., Ward, S., Yan, C. and Mazumder, R. (2015) Generating a focused view of disease ontology cancer terms for pan-cancer data integration and analysis. Database, 2015, bav032.

Database Updated

Posted on 2015-03-20
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2015-03-20. DO now includes a DO_MGI_slim.

Disease Ontology paper published in NAR

Posted on 2014-11-20
The Disease Ontology paper has been published in the NAR Database Issue 2015. You can view it here. Citation: Disease Ontology 2015 update: an expanded and updated database of human diseases for linking biomedical knowledge through disease data. Kibbe WA, Arze C, Felix V, Mitraka E, Bolton E, Fu G, Mungall CJ, Binder JX, Malone J, Vasant D, Parkinson H, Schriml LM. Nucleic Acids Research 2014; Oct 27. pii: gku1011

Database Updated

Posted on 2014-11-19
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2014-11-19.

Database Updated

Posted on 2014-09-29
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2014-09-17.

Human Phenotype Ontology's (HPO) PubMed Browser

Posted on 2014-09-03
You can now view publications related to DO terms and their associated HPO annotations through the Human Phenotype Ontology's (HPO) PubMed Browser Citation: Groza T, Köhler S, Moldenhauer D, Vasilevsky N, Baynam G, Zemojtel T, Schriml LM, Kibbe WA, Schofield PN, Beck T, Vasant D, Brookes AJ, Zankl A, Washington NL, Mungall CJ, Lewis SE, Haendel MA, Parkinson H, Robinson PN. The Human Phenotype Ontology: Semantic Unification of Common and Rare Disease. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 Jul 2;97(1):111-24. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.05.020. Epub 2015 Jun 25. PMID: 26119816

Database Updated

Posted on 2014-07-15
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2014-07-08.

Maintenance Period: Dec. 12

Posted on 2013-12-04
The Disease Ontology website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance starting on Thursday, December 12 at 17:00 EST. Services and resources will be unavailable until Sunday, December 15th. Some systems may take longer to return to service, in which case we will keep the community informed as systems are brought back online.

Database Updated

Posted on 2013-07-30
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2013-07-17.

Database updated

Posted on 2012-09-06
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 2012-08-10.

Service Update

Posted on 2012-01-09
All services should now be functioning properly. We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been encountered due to downtime.

Service Issues 01/01

Posted on 2012-01-01
We are currently experiencing issues with our servers and would like to apologize for any inconvenience experienced by users. We are working to resolve the issues and will post an update as soon as all problems are resolved.

Disease Ontology Paper Published

Posted on 2011-11-18
The Disease Ontology paper has been published in the NAR Database Issue 2012. You can view it here.

Database updated

Posted on 2011-11-11
The Disease Ontology database has been updated to the latest ontology as of 10/28. Additionally some more information regarding our underlying database technology and the visualization library we use were added to the FAQ.

Scheduled Downtime 9/16 - 9/18

Posted on 2011-09-12
The Disease Ontology browser website will be down for scheduled maintenance from Friday 09/16 at 5PM to Sunday 09/18 at 7PM. During this time all services will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience that this downtime might cause.

Downtime 08/26 - 08/29

Posted on 2011-08-29
Over the weekend we encountered unexpected downtime due to a failure in the database powering the website. We have addressed the issue and the site is now up and running. We apologize for any inconvenience that this downtime may have caused.

Twitter and Facebook Support

Posted on 2011-07-18
You can now reach the Disease Ontology via either Facebook or Twitter by either clicking on the 'Links' menu item above or the Facebook or Twitter icons found in the top right of the webpage. Please leave us comments and feedback!

Advanced Search Incoming

Posted on 2011-07-18
The ability to search specific fields of the Disease Ontology should be available over the coming week. This advanced searching capability allows for creation of complex queries that can search just about every field in the ontology.

Visualization Added

Posted on 2011-07-15
Visualization via the arbor.js library has been added to the site. It is now possible to browse the relationships of a term graphically. To browse a term click the new 'Visualize Term' button found on any Metadata page.
